How would you like to have your own Chronic Wellness Equation? A formula that supports you in living a healthy, symptom free, productive lifestyle no matter your current or previous health history.

You may be wondering how this is possible and, more importantly, if this is possible for you.

Read on to find out more and join us for a limited time *LIVE* Webcast with Q&A where I will go more in depth into this topic by clicking HERE.

I learned something very important from studying people who have completely recovered from debilitating chronic illnesses. Some had been hospitalized, bedridden and unable to function normally. Those who fully recovered all have one thing in common: they have created an equation that supported them both during and after healing.

This is an equation they use anytime symptoms return so they can quickly get rid of them and to return to their healthy, symptom-free, productive lifestyles.

In this article I will begin to show you how to create this formula for yourself.

Let’s start with the four main categories in the Chronic Wellness Equation™ process.


The mind is a powerful tool when it comes to health and healing. The true key and foundation to succeeding at anything — whether it’s business, relationships, or health — is having the right mindset.

I was fortunate to learn this years ago while studying successful entrepreneurs. When I shifted to studying those who have successfully healed themselves, I learned mindset is just as important.

The mind, however, can be an elusive thing. Not even the medical community has a firm definition of what exactly the mind is, where it resides, or how it works.

Fortunately, there have been some tremendous advancements in research including an interesting study by Elizabeth Blackburn. Blackburn won a Nobel Prize for discovering an enzyme in the brain called Telomerase which determines the length of the Telomere caps on the ends of our Chromosomes. The length of these caps determines both our physiological age and the health of our cells.

Couple that study with another conducted by Howard University Medical Center that shows the Telomerase enzyme increases with meditation and you quickly see how the mind affects the body and vice versa.

What to Watch For

The biggest challenge for people with long-term infections in their body is that the infection will change their biochemistry over time. When this happens it affects the ability for the brain to communicate with the mind and vice versa. These chemical imbalances can also put a person in a state where they may not make the best decisions.

It is critical to pay attention to how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, and the decisions you’re making, because imbalances in these areas can indicate an infection somewhere in your body.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Are you often sad or depressed?
  • Have you been making poor food decisions?
  • Has your personality has changed?
  • Are you making irrational decisions?
  • Have you been exhibiting self-destructive behavior?
  • Are you arguing a lot with others?
  • Are you in a general state of anger and frustration?


There are so many aspects of the body to consider. The most important to start with is where our biology and our biochemistry are right now. It’s also important to monitor this while we’re healing.

Current levels of vitamins, minerals, hormones, heavy metals, mold, toxins, blood cells, immune cells, gene mutations, and so on, will all affect your health and well-being. When you find the right doctor(s) they will test these things on an ongoing basis.

DNA testing is often overlooked by doctors but it can be very helpful to determine if there are any gene mutations that may be hindering important things like your body’s ability to detox.

It’s also important to test for infections that might be present and the “load” or amount of organisms present as you’re going through the healing process. There are basic infections primary care doctors tend to test for. Specialized doctors will often choose specific organisms based on symptoms or their area of expertise.This is why it’s important to find the right doctors who are looking for the right organisms.

Organism categories can include:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protozoa
  • Parasites
  • Fungi

It’s important to note that not all doctors test for all organisms.

Other Things to Test For

Another type of testing that can be helpful determines whether organs are functioning properly or if they need to be supported and/or detoxed. This is important as many of these organs assist with eliminating toxins from our bodies, along with taking care of basic functions like pumping blood and breathing.

Physical movement is equally as important and can often be overlooked — especially with someone who has neurological challenges that limit mobility. Movement, even if it’s just lymph drainage massage while sitting or lying down, can make a big difference as our lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump. It relies on movement to pump the lymph nodes which push the toxins out of our body.


Food has been medicine since the beginning of time. Animals innately know this which is why they will eat certain things in the wild to ensure they have the nutritional balance they need to be healthy. They will also eat vomit-inducing plants if they know they need to purge something bad out of their system (e.g. clay that absorbs toxins).

Unfortunately, our society and the media have turned our food into a marketing machine to “feed our soul,” “be skinny,” or “fit in.” The industry has also turned many foods into an additional toxin by adding unnatural chemically-derived additives, preservatives, and food-like substances in both processed and unprocessed foods. Many of these chemicals create an addiction to the “foods” that makes the consumer want to buy and eat more than a healthy amount.

It’s important to understand that food in its most natural form is what any animal is genetically designed to eat. It’s also important to know which food additives are the most toxic to the human body, causing the most damage.

At different phases of the healing process our bodies may need different foods that:

  • Re-balance missing or deleted vitamins and minerals
  • Support different processes like creating hormones
  • Support the rebuilding of our immune system and our cells, etc.

Finding the Right Foods

When figuring out which foods to eat when, the best thing to do is to research different types of whole food diets and see what resonates with you, making sure to take into consideration anything you may be deficient in.

What natural, real foods are you drawn to and how do you feel after them? Do you have a positive or a negative reaction? Do you feel energized or fatigued? And as always, consult a nutritionist or food expert and run the info they give you past a knowledgeable doctor to confirm nothing will counteract with any current medications or protocols.

Another extremely important aspect is the quality of the foods. If you take nothing else away from this article, know that just by eating organic, grass-fed, free range, chemical-free, hormone-free fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, eggs, etc. it will lower the intake of toxins into your body.

The antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s, and other chemicals in non-organic foods contribute to the toxicity in your body. So instead of fighting off infections or growing new cells, your body becomes distracted by removing these toxins or storing them away in fat, leaving your immune system vulnerable and your body toxic.

Or worse, your body begins attacking itself because the foods and/or chemicals are leaking out of holes created in your gut by these toxins and into your bloodstream due to leaky gut syndrome.


Your environment is everything around you. It’s the air you breathe, the water you drink, the location you live, the technology you use, the people around you, etc.

If you’re going through treatment but you don’t have a healthy environment, it will hinder your ability to heal. Even so, a person’s environment is often overlooked in the traditional medical care system as doctors focus on the symptoms, not the cause.

The two places we tend to spend the most time are our home and our workplace, so these are the places to focus on most when first creating your Chronic Wellness Equation™.


One of the biggest challenges with indoor air quality are things like mold due to water leaks or living in a humid area. Sometimes the water leaks are within walls or air ventilation systems or under tubs, showers, or dishwashers, and are not found for many years.

If you live in an environment where there are a lot of automobiles, factories, or other toxic chemicals being spewed into the air, this contributes as well. You may have seen the many stories about water quality and the chemicals that have been leaking into the rivers and lakes and evaporating up into the clouds to be rained down on different parts of the planet.


Tap water tested all around the world has been found to have chemical compounds, metals, antibiotics, birth control, pesticides, herbicides, and more within it. Many water treatment facilities still add fluoride and chlorine due to outdated studies even though studies have shown for years that ingesting both causes health problems over time.

Even well water and mountain stream water can contain any of these substances due to any number of contamination possibilities.


With the growth in wireless technologies there are a lot more radio wave signals bouncing around our home and in our pockets. These waves are similar frequencies to microwaves and have been shown to do damage to human cells. They have also been shown to accelerate the growth of molds and to agitate them and make them angry, which becomes even more challenging when mold spores are living within the human body.


Another important aspect of your environment are the people you spend time with. If you have relationships that cause you stress or are around people who are abusive or toxic at work or at home this will negatively contribute to your health.

It’s extremely important to clean up your environment as this is a big part of your equation. Sometimes, we’re over inundated by environmental factors we’re not aware of making it very challenging to heal even if we fix the other areas.


As you begin going through the process of creating your own Chronic Wellness Equation™, know that it will be as unique to you as your fingerprints because everyone has a unique mix of factors.

  • Join our upcoming Live Webcast with Q&A to learn more about creating your own Chronic Wellness Equation™.

While going through each section of the equation, dig deep and know that the smallest thing in one of these areas could be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for in your health. Awareness is the first step in changing a pattern and going through these steps and answering the questions above may begin to bring awareness to new areas of your life.

For areas you’re not familiar with, do the research online. Pull up credible reports and learn more. Knowledge is definitely power. If you don’t have the brain power or physical ability to do this, find someone — or several people — to help you. Join a support group focused on supporting people while they heal. Don’t be afraid to ask! People are inherently wired to want to help.

How to Get Started

  1. Start with one area and go one step at a time at a pace you’re comfortable with. I know going through this process – or even reading this article – may be a bit daunting at first. The key is to start and to keep taking steps forward.
  2. Document, document document. Make note of what works for you and what doesn’t. For what works, these are the things you’ll want to come back to if you find you stray from them. It’s what you’ll want to be diligent about if symptoms come up in the future. At the same time, these things may change as your health changes.
  3. Share breakthroughs in the comments or within the community. Often times this will help others with breakthroughs along with helping to solidify the thoughts in your mind.

Note: This is just a brief outline of the process. We go more in depth both during the Summits and in the Chronic Wellness Blueprint training.

Where to Connect

Join our communities to be part of our #BillionHealthy movement focused on positively affecting the Health of a Billion People around the world by sharing information via e-mail, social media and in conversation.

Use the hashtag #ChronicWellness in conjunction with #BillionHealthy when posting info on social media to show your commitment to being chronically well and to supporting others on their journey to health and well-being.

Also, subscribe above to receive information and updates about how to create your own chronic wellness lifestyle.

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